Make the most of Endurica’s simulation workflows and learn to use Endurica CL, Endurica DT, and Endurica EIE
Learn the Endurica software workflows to virtually evaluate fatigue performance and solve design issues at the concept stage. Attendees have returned to their firms and revolutionized their design processes by using the software to diagnose and solve fatigue issues.
Endurica’s live, online training brings world-class knowledge to the comfort of your home or office
The key workshop for understanding and wielding the power of Endurica’s workflows is presented by our founder, live online in our Application of Rubber Fatigue Analysis with Endurica Software Workshop. Join us from the comfort of your home or office – no travel required! Do not let your busy schedule hold you back from registering — we send a link of the recorded presentation of each class to registrants for their reference/review. These links are active for seven days after the class date so you will have time to review the information and/or make up classes you are not able to attend live. Additionally, Dr. Mars is available every class day for “office hours” so you can talk with the instructor privately about your questions and your company’s specific needs.
Course Objectives
- Understand key principles governing fatigue in elastomers.
- Select and specify material models that accurately describe elastomer behavior.
- Apply fatigue analysis workflows for:
- Infinite life analyses
- Safe life analyses
- Damage tolerant analyses
- Successfully solve durability issues using Endurica Software (CL, DT and EIE)
Course Outline
Day 1: Fatigue Life Simulation Basics with Endurica CL™
- Software installation
- Overview of Fatigue Analysis Workflows
- Infinite life / safety factor
- Safe life
- Damage tolerant
- Managing Duty Cycle: Setting up the Finite Element Analysis
- Fatigue Analysis principles
- Fracture Mechanics
- Critical Plane Analysis
- Rainflow counting / Damage accumulation
- Exporting strain history
- Material behavior, part 1
- Elastic behavior
- Crack growth behavior
- Calibrating the crack precursor size
Day 2: Common Workflows with Endurica CL™
- Material behavior, part 2
- Mean strain effects and strain crystallization
- Self heating
- Specifying temperature effects
- Ozone attack
- Infinite Life Analysis workflow
- Safe Life Analysis workflows
Day 3: Incremental Workflows with Endurica DT™
- Specifying Complex Duty Cycles: Steps, Blocks and sequence effects
- Damage tolerant analysis workflows
- Specifying Block cycles
- CoSimulation for Ageing and Cyclic softening
Day 4: Working with Real-time, multi-channel load history: Endurica EIE™
- Managing road loads
- 1D and 2D problems
- 3D-6D – working in higher dimensions
- Channel Reduction
- Building a map of the load space
- Load interpolation
- Signal defeaturing and block cycle extraction
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