Learn the essential principles and practices of material characterization for fatigue life prediction, and strategies and procedures for planning effective fatigue test programs as well as making effective use of crack nucleation and fracture mechanics tools. The Characterizing Elastomer Fatigue Behavior for Analysis and Engineering workshop includes lectures to thoroughly understand the science behind Endurica’s workflow and software solutions PLUS live demos from Axel Products lab to fully illustrate the complete material characterization process.
March 17-21, 2024 ONLINE: Lectures 9:00 a.m. – Noon EDT with additional time available for questions during Office Hours 1:00 – 3:00 daily during the course duration.
This course is a LIVE training event and includes live-feed coverage of materials characterization tests underway at Axel Products. A link to the presentation of each class will be made available to registrants for their reference/review. These links will be active for seven days after the class date so attendees will have time to make up classes they may not be able to attend live.