Durability Solutions for the Automotive Industry

Optimize the lifespan of your elastomer components with Endurica’s fatigue analysis tools, designed to meet the demands of automotive applications.

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Get durability right for automotive components

Comprehensive durability testing for automotive elastomer components

Whether you’re an OEM, Tier One, or aftermarket supplier, Endurica’s durability analysis solutions help optimize critical elastomer components such as bushings, CV boots, mounts, airsprings, and seals. Our simulations ensure that your parts meet the performance demands of extreme environments and long-term use, helping reduce failure risks and maintenance costs across the entire automotive manufacturing supply chain.

How Endurica solutions meet automotive elastomer durability requirements

Industry Requirement Endurica Solution Result/Benefit
Durability in High-Temperature Environments

Endurica CL™  helps you simulate and understand the impact of tension, shear, bending, and compression on your automotive part during the design phase.

Endurica provides accurate predictions of durability, enabling design optimization long before your first prototype build.

Crack Growth Resistance

Endurica DT™ simulates how rubber changes over time and tracks damage state evolution over the number of cycles applied, maximum strain energy density, and more.

Benefit from Endurica’s realistic use cases. Match the load cases and schedule for simulation with what your part experiences during product durability testing. Identify material weaknesses, improve product longevity and minimize warranty claims.

Improved Safety

Endurica DT™ provides simulations of realistic material behavior. Account for load and material property evolution with time

Desgining elastomeric parts to withstand complex loading conditions is a key benefit of Endurica’s software. Let us help you enhance overall vehicle safety.

Road Load Testing

Endurica EIE™ is the fast way to go from recorded test signals (up to 6 channels) to fatigue life prediction. Use EIE with either CL or DT to simulate the full experience of your part in service.

Put those road tests to work for you as never before. Endurica EIE enables you to truly use ALL of the data you’ve collected and the simulations run in hours, not days or weeks.

Partner with Endurica for automotive durability engineering

We enable you to design elastomer components to meet the stringent demands of the automotive industry. Endurica is the world’s best-validated fatigue life simulation system for elastomers and our workflows get rubber products to market faster.

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Case Study

Rassini increases suspension component lifespan by 30%

With Endurica’s fatigue analysis tools, Rassini optimized their material selection and enhanced the durability of their automotive suspension components. This improvement led to a significant increase in product lifespan and reduced maintenance costs.

Read the Case Study
rassini case study