If ordered with FPM-C, includes analysis of strain life curve dependence on probability of occurrence.
The Reliability Module characterizes the rate of occurrence of crack precursors of a given size. This information is useful for estimating likely strength or fatigue failure rates for quality/warranty applications.
Recommended when probability of failure needs to be estimated.
The advanced thermal module is an add-on to the basic module. It enables greater accuracy and completeness in the representation of temperature and frequency effects in structural and thermal models.
For improved accuracy in structural and heat transfer analyses of selfheating and thermal gradient effects. Note: FPM-TB is required as a prerequisite
Experiment Overview:
static tearing raw data at 2 more temperatures (in addition to the 3 temperatures already collected in FPM-C and FPM-TB)
cyclic stress strain raw data at 3 temperatures and 3 frequencies
thermal conductivity, specific heat & density measurements
thermal expansion measurement • number of slabs needed for test: 3
The basic thermal module produces information useful for computing heat generation rate and crack growth rate law sensitivity to temperature. Use for cases involving significant self-heating and/or thermal gradients (ie Δθ > 25°C).
Recommended for cases with self-heating or thermal gradients. User gives 2 (additional to FPM-C) temperatures between -40°C & 150°C. It is required to run FPM-C in order to run this Module.
Experiment Overview:
static tearing raw data at 2 temperatures (in addition to the temperature run in FPM-C)
cyclic stress strain raw data at 1 temp., 1 frequency, 5 strain levels
This module is used to determine the strain, temperature and frequency dependence of the viscoelastic storage and loss modulus for use in thermal-mechanical analysis with temperature effects and energy dissipation, or self-heating considerations. The K/WLF module is named for Kraus and for Williams-Landel-and-Ferry, two representations used to describe viscoelastic DMA (Dynamic Mechanical Analysis) measurements. Supports thermal-mechanical workflows for product temperature and energy dissipation analysis.
Experiment Overview:
low Strain Frequency Sweeps at 3 temperatures
low Strain Temperature Sweep
strain Sweep – initial and repeat – at specified temperature and frequency
optional thermal conductivity, specific heat and density