Test Fatigue Performance in your own lab using Endurica protocols running on Coesfeld instruments. Endurica is the exclusive distributor of Coesfeld instruments in both North and South America. Our partnership with instrument producer Coesfeld GmbH & Co. KG offers you proven, fully supported testing systems that are specialized for engineering analysis of elastomer durability. Our goal is to bring you the methods and instruments that you need to get durability right.


  • Protocols that maximize operational exposure and measurement production while fully respecting test time budget
  • High test reliability via built-in quality control and noise minimization strategies
  • Full compatibility with modern durability simulation codes Endurica CL™ and fe-safe/Rubber™
  • Easy-to-use, works-every-time test setup – take the guess-work out of specifying test conditions
  • Intuitive operation. Automated control, data acquisition and reporting
  • Fully supported by the world’s leading experts in elastomer durability and in testing instrumentation for the rubber industry


Intrinsic Strength Analyser_dsc0391-rework1

Tear & Fatigue Analyser04_315_09

  • Measures crack growth under dynamic loading cycles
  • Produces the crack growth rate curve as a function of applied tearing energy
  • Produces parameters for describing effects of strain-crystallization on crack growth
  • Includes protocols for both fully relaxing (R=0) and nonrelaxing (R>0) conditions



Instrumented Chip & Cut AnalyserInstrumented Chip & Cut Analyser

  • Measures chip and cut resistance of rubber compounds under cyclic impact loadings
  • Highly instrumented to enable control and measurement of forces and displacements during impact to mimic conditions experienced in demanding applications
  • The instrument can be also be operated in full contact mode as a friction and wear measurement device
  • Learn more in our blog post: Latest Addition: the Coesfeld Instrumented Chip & Cut Analyser

Endurica IMPACCT

IMPACCT:  Investigative Modeling Package for Analysis of Chip and Cut Test

Our finite element model of the Coesfeld Instrumented Chip and Cut Analyser – with guidelines for its effective use – is offered as an option with the purchase of the testing equipment

  • View the stress and strain response across the specimen cross-section during impact testing
  • Guide selection of ICCA testing conditions to match typical deformations in desired rubber application
    • Tire treads
    • Rubberized tracks
    • Conveyor belts
  • Investigate testing geometry effects
    • Impactor tip shape
    • Diameter of specimen holder

IMPACCT: Investigative Modeling Package for Analysis of Chip and Cut Test

Quotation RequestDownload Endurica Testing Instruments Overview

Reinhold Kipscholl, Coesfeld  CEO Receives ACS Rubber Division Banbury Award


For more information about these instruments please call us at 1+419-957-0543 or email us at info@endurica.com.

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