Capture Multi-Physics Effects with Advanced Workflows

Endurica MP brings you analysis power never before available for temperature, diffusion, and oxidation effects.

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Endurica MP™ - the solver for multi-physics applications for elastomers.


Endurica MP™ is our multi-physics solver for elastomers. Give MP your finite element simulations and materials definitions, then MP orchestrates the appropriate workflows including steady-state and transient thermal analyses, oxygen diffusion, and chemical reactions such as oxidation.

Endurica MP Material Fatigue Comparison via Simulation


Endurica MP

  • Predict tire rolling resistance and energy loss distribution
  • Avoid thermal failure modes induced by self-heating, aerobic and anaerobic ageing, or oxidation
  • Utilize durability simulations that account for the effects of oxygen and thermal history
  • Diagnose and resolve temperature-dependent issues arising from material properties, component geometry, and load factors to get durability right
  • Calculate fatigue life and failure location on your part while accounting for changes in temperature
  • Deploy a proven, advanced workflow that is “ready to go”

Unlock the power of elastomer multi-physics workflows

Ready to take your durability testing to the next level? Get a custom quote for Endurica MP and discover how our cutting-edge software can optimize your product performance and extend its life.

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Technical notes

  • Compatible FEA solver: Abaqus with ANSYS coming soon
  • OS:  Windows or Linux
  • Licensing: node-locked and network shared, lease, and perpetual
  • Multi-Threading: run big jobs fast – speeds job execution