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Winning on Durability User Spotlight on Rail: Trelleborg with Dr. Nina Heinrich

April 23 @ 11:00 am - 12:00 pm


Rubber durability isn’t just a detail — it’s the difference between success and failure. That’s why Endurica’s Winning on Durability series dives deep into the game-changing issues, cutting-edge technologies, and best practices that drive success in elastomeric materials, products, and system development.

Now, we’re bringing you a special live episode straight from Trelleborg Antivibration Systems in Switzerland!

Trelleborg AVS leads the way in noise and vibration control with advanced polymer technology and world-class expertise in rubber-to-metal bonding. While their innovations serve industries from machine tools to marine and mass transit, this episode will spotlight their groundbreaking work in rail applications.

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Our guest will be Nina Heinreich, Ph.D., the global leader of Trelleborg’s simulation-based product development engineers. She ensures common development strategies are employed around the world for the engineering calculation and validation activities throughout Trelleborg’s development processes. Dr. Heinreich has been using Endurica since 2022, presented her work at our Eclipse with Endurica Community Conference and shared her insights within Trelleborg’s promotions for the rail industry’s largest annual gathering, the 2024 Inno Trans Conference. 

Join us as Dr. Heinreich shares her work predicting a rubber spring’s Wohler line with Endurica in the presence of self-contact. The Abstract: Fatigue tests with different load amplitudes under fully relaxing conditions were carried out to obtain the Wohler line of a conical rubber-to-metal spring, which is representative for railway applications. Using Abaqus FEA, the same load cases were simulated to calculate the strain histories and, subsequently, a fatigue life prediction from Endurica. A close agreement between measured and calculated life was found, in particular for low load amplitude. At high amplitude, the calculation overestimates the life about a factor of three. For this type of deviation self-contact, which intensifies with increasing load, is discussed as a likely reason. Further challenges, i. e. extrapolation of measured material properties and varying failure criterions, will be highlighted.

Don’t miss this exclusive opportunity to gain insights from one of the industry’s top minds. Join us for Winning on Durability—LIVE from Switzerland!

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April 23
11:00 am - 12:00 pm
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Endurica LLC
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