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Authors: M Aït-Bachir, WV Mars, E Verron
Published: 01/05/2012

Journal: International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics 47 (2012)(4), 22-29


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Energy release rate of small cracks in hyperelastic materials


The energy release rate of a small crack in an infinite hyperelastic medium, and subjected to large strain multiaxial loading conditions, is derived by considering the balance of configurational stresses acting on two planes: one cutting the center of the crack face, and the other at an infinite distance in front of the crack tip. The analysis establishes that the energy release rate of a small crack is always proportional to the size of the crack, irrespective of the loading conditions and the ... Read More

Authors: WV Mars
Published: 01/06/2011

Journal: Rubber Chemistry and Technology 84 (2011)(2), 178-186


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Analysis of Stiffness Variations in Context of Strain-, Stress-, and Energy-Controlled Processes


In compounded material systems, such as rubber, a wide range of properties can be achieved by design. This flexibility poses a challenge–how to balance stiffness against other considerations, such as energy dissipation under dynamic loading, fatigue, etc. Negotiating this balance requires that adequate account be taken of how a given mechanical input (i.e., strain, stress, energy) is controlled, and how other mechanical outputs vary as the stiffness changes. We outline here a simple analysis b... Read More

Authors: B Näser, M Kaliske, WV Mars
Published: 01/09/2010

Journal: Tire Science and Technology 38 (2010)(3), 194-212


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Fatigue investigation of elastomeric structures


Fatigue crack growth can occur in elastomeric structures whenever cyclic loading is applied. In order to design robust products, sensitivity to fatigue crack growth must be investigated and minimized. The task has two basic components: (1) to define the material behavior through measurements showing how the crack growth rate depends on conditions that drive the crack, and (2) to compute the conditions experienced by the crack. Important features relevant to the analysis of structures include tim... Read More

Authors: WV Mars
Published: 01/03/2009

Journal: Rubber Chemistry and Technology 82 (2009)(1), 51-61


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Computed dependence of rubber’s fatigue behavior on strain crystallization


This work explores the consequences of strain crystallization on rubber's fatigue crack nucleation behavior over an extensive space of operating conditions, including tension and compression loading states, and relaxing and non-relaxing cycles. The study considers, via computation, how the nonlinear elastic stress-strain behavior, the fatigue crack growth characteristics, and the damage accumulation law combine to produce the Haigh diagram and the Cadwell diagram. Four hypothetical materials are... Read More

Authors: R. Harbour, A. Fatemi, W. V. Mars
Published: 01/07/2008

Journal: International Journal of Fatigue Vol. 30, Issue 7, July 2008, pp. 1231-1247.


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Fatigue Life Analysis and Predictions in NR And SBR Under Variable Amplitude and Multiaxial Loading Conditions


This paper investigates the effects of variable amplitude loading conditions on the fatigue lives of multiaxial rubber specimens. Two filled rubber materials were used and compared to investigate the effects of strain-crystallization on crack development NR, which strain crystallizes, and SBR, which does not. The applicability of Miner’s linear damage rule for predicting fatigue lives of variable amplitude tests in rubber and the use of both scalar and plane-specific equivalence parameters to ... Read More

Authors: R. Harbour, A. Fatemi, W. V. Mars
Published: 01/01/2008

Journal: ASME Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology, Vol. 130, 011005 (2008) (11 pages) DOI:10.1115/1.2806276


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Constitutive Behavior and Temperature Effects in NR and SBR Under Variable Amplitude and Multiaxial Loading Conditions


Knowledge of the stress response of a material to the applied deformations is necessary for many engineering analysis and applications. This paper addresses the observed effects of load sequencing, Mullins effect, and multiaxial loading on the constitutive behavior of rubber under variable amplitude conditions for a series of experiments using multiaxial ring test specimens. Two filled rubber materials were used and compared in this study; natural rubber, which strain crystallizes, and styrene b... Read More

Authors: M. A. Castellucci, A. T. Hughes, W. V. Mars
Published: 13/07/2007

Journal: Experimental Mechanics, 48, 1-8, 2008.


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Comparison of Test Specimens for Characterization of Dynamic Properties of Rubber


Dynamic material properties inferred via experiment can be strongly influenced by the choice of test specimen geometry unless care is taken to ensure that mechanical fields (stress, strain, etc.) within the specimen adequately reflect the ideal homogeneous deformation state. In this work, finite element models of simple shear, cylindrical compression, simple tension, and bi-conical shear test specimens were analyzed in order to quantify the relative conformity of each specimen to its correspondi... Read More

Authors: W. V. Mars, A. Fatemi
Published: 01/07/2004

Journal: Rubber Chemistry and Technology


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Factors that Affect the Fatigue Life of Rubber: A Literature Survey


Many factors are known to influence the mechanical fatigue life of rubber components. Four major categories of factors are reviewed here: the effects of mechanical loading history, environmental effects, effects of rubber formulation, and effects due to dissipative aspects of the constitutive response of rubber. For each category, primary factors are described, and existing literature is presented and reviewed. Rubber's fatigue behavior is extremely sensitive to both the maximum and minimum cycl... Read More

Authors: William Mars, Kevin Barbash, Matthew Wieczorek, Scott Braddock, Joshua Goossens, Ethan Steiner



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Durability of Elastomeric Bushings Computed from Track-Recorded Multi-Channel Road Load Input


The qualification requirements of automakers derive from track testing in which road load and moment inputs to a part in x, y and z directions are recorded over a set of driving conditions selected to represent typical operation. Because recorded histories are lengthy, often comprising many millions of time steps, past industry practice has been to specify simplified block cycle schedules for purposes of durability testing or analysis. Simplification, however, depends on imprecise human judgemen... Read More