Endurica 2020 Durability Analysis Software Release (March 2020)
New analysis features, improved user experience, and execution speed improvements
Our 2020 Software Release will delight users by providing updates to all of Endurica’s software products (CL, DT, and EIE). It includes new analysis and visualization capabilities, as well as execution speed enhancements.
The release includes a new tool, the Endurica Viewer. Endurica Viewer is now provided with the Endurica CL™TM license. It provides a graphical, interactive visualization of analysis results, making it easier to diagnose and optimize fatigue performance.
Endurica CL™TM also features new tools for dealing with lengthy load signals. New capabilities include a signal defeaturing tool for removing non-damaging load history segments from further analysis, and a new binary file format that reduces file size and read time. Also, interfaces to the latest releases of the popular finite element codes Abaqus, Ansys and MSC/Marc are included.
The Endurica DT™TM solver now features a new damage extrapolation capability. After accumulating damage from all load cases in a block cycle schedule, the extrapolation feature calculates the number repeats of the entire schedule that can be endured.
The Endurica EIE™TM nonlinear load mapping tool now also supports multi-threading and the binary file format. In one benchmark, it gave a speed advantage of more than 10000 times over the direct finite element solution method.
“We are continuing to invest strongly in the Endurica tools,” notes Endurica founder, Will Mars, Ph.D., P.E. “Our user base has been expanding to include a wider range of user background and experience. So our workflows have evolved towards greater simplicity, greater interactivity and greater flexibility. At the same time, our most experienced users are running jobs with growing scope and complexity. Our 2020 release is our most polished and capable yet, and it will delight the users. Expect to see full road loads being used to design rubber parts on a routine basis. Expect to see more product development programs that get durability right the first time. Expect to see more light weighting and sustainable materials programs completed successfully.”