Cutting Edge Methods for Rubber Wear and Tear Webinar September 20, 2024 at 9 am EDT Presented by Endurica

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Endurica Earns National Honor from the U.S. Small Business Administration

William V. Mars Ph.D., P.E. Founder and President of Endurica with Tibbetts Award for Outstanding Accomplishment in Cutting Edge Technology

Dr. William Mars, President of Endurica, LLC, with the U.S. Small Business Administration’s Tibbetts Award for accomplishments in creating cutting-edge technologies. View details by clicking the banner below or visiting:
SBIR | Tibbetts and Hall of Fame

 2020 Tibbetts Award Winners

Endurica Tibbetts Award Press Release
Endurica named 2020 Tibbetts Award Winner by United States Small Business Administration

Picture of Will Mars, the recipient of the Harold Herzlich Distinguished Technology Achievement Award presented at ITEC 2022

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