
Wow – this year has really been one of many firsts for Endurica.  We had our first ever Community Conference in April, we started our first sister company – in Europe, and from September 9 – 13, 2024, we presented 4 technical papers – a new Endurica record for one week!  The other impressive aspect of this latter feat was that the four presentations were on vastly different topics! I’ll just list the venues and titles and then discuss each one.

International Elastomer Conference 2024, Pittsburgh, PA, USA:

  1. “Heat Build-Up and Thermal Runaway in a Rotating Bending Experiment”

44th Annual Meeting and Conference of The Tire Society, Akron OH, USA:

  1. “Coupled Multiphysics Strategy to Monitor the Health of Rubbery Structures Using Endurica Tools”
  2. “Critical Plane Analysis of Surface-proximal Fields for the Simulation of Mechanochemical Wear”
  3. “Models, Materials and the Move Towards Virtual Product Development”

Let’s start with the first presentation on heat build-up. Will Mars presented this paper at the IEC in Pittsburgh on Tuesday the 10th of September. The presentation highlighted a new machine that has been developed by Coesfeld to evaluate the heat build-up behavior of rubber compounds. It uses a hollow rubber tube that is bent to a 60-90 degree arc and then rotated at about 600 rpm to create a tension-compression cycle throughout the tube due to the pre-bending as shown below.

This test offers many advantages over the historical Goodrich Flexometer self-heating test originally developed in 1937.  The Heat Build-Up Analyzer is instrumented to measure internal temperature as well as forces and deformations while the test is progressing.  The recent advances in the Endurica software and workflows are also equipped to predict the transient behavior in this test.  When the rubber reaches a certain high temperature, the rubber starts to break down, often due to the volatilization of low molecular weight additives creating an exothermic reaction, and also due to the reversion of the cross-links.  The exothermic reaction and thermal “runaway” condition can also be predicted by Endurica software.  The animation below shows the elevated temperatures and the internal pressure rise due to the exothermic reactions. The combination of the HBA test and the Endurica FEA-based analysis will add understanding to the heat-rise behavior of compounds for any company.  As with some other Coesfeld machines, Endurica is the sole distributor in the Americas.

The second presentation listed was presented by Mahmoud Assaad, co-authored by others at Endurica and also by Ed Terrill at ARDL.  This work aims to provide the combination of a full oxygen diffusion and oxidation reaction simulation and experimental characterization capability.   The plot here shows the distribution of reacted oxygen in the crown area of a commercial truck tire.  As the oxygen diffuses into the carcass it also reacts with the rubber compounds creating a phenomenon known as Diffusion Limited Oxidation.  Mahmoud, Ed Terrill and I worked on rubber oxidation with Sandia National Laboratories when the three of us worked together at Goodyear. Now we have developed a characterization and simulation capability that should be ready for customers to try in 2025!

For the third presentation listed, Will Mars quickly travelled from the IEC in Pittsburgh to the Tire Society in Akron to give a talk on an evolving capability for wear prediction. This work was co-authored by Lewis Tunnicliff and James Kollar at Birla Carbon as well as others from Endurica. For many years, researchers have been trying to link rubber fracture and tearing behavior to surface wear. One of the early works on this topic is shown in the drawing below from Southern and Thomas in 1979.

This work attempted to explain observations from blade abrader experiments. The Endurica/Birla work broadens this concept to different asperity shapes and a cumulative fatigue process that depends on the depth into the surface.  Temperature distribution near the surface was also calculated and included in the analysis.  Initial results gave similar trends for wear rates as work done by Gent and Pulford in 1983.  This new approach also makes it easy to also incorporate any aging effects that may occur on the surface of a rubber product. Development work on this new capability will continue well into 2025. In the meantime, Endurica does have a more basic FEA-based offering for wear prediction that has been used for multiple customers.

Lastly, on Friday the 13th of September, I had the honor of giving the Plenary Lecture for the Tire Society conference.  Thanks go to Jim McIntyre and the conference organizers for giving me this unique opportunity to address the society.

In April, we conducted the first ever Endurica Community Conference, and we tied in the Solar Eclipse that passed over Findlay, Ohio on April 8th, to produce a very successful event.  I wanted to include the solar eclipse in my Plenary talk and somehow relate it to topics concerning the development of tires.  The two concepts I used to make the connection were:

  • All models are approximations, but some can be very useful, and
  • Some very good physics theories predict singularities. The singularities reveal our ignorance on the topic and show the area where further work and insights are needed.

The first concept comes from the late George E. P. Box, a statistics professor at the University of Wisconsin. The quote is usually stated as: “All models are wrong, but some are useful”. The second concept makes a tie between fracture mechanics and Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity, which was validated by data taken during a solar eclipse in 1919. Both of these theories predict non-physical singularities but remain extremely useful.

The bulk of my talk was on Virtual Tire Development using tire durability as one of the performances to evaluate without building and testing prototypes. It largely followed my experience and contributions to the topic over the 3+ decades I worked on this at Goodyear with many excellent colleagues and partner organizations like Sandia.

All four of these presentations are available on our website at this location: Fatigue Ninja Frontier – Resources from Endurica’s First Annual Meeting.

Please contact us if you have any questions about these presentations or if you would like to chat with us about anything, including possible work together.

One final note: we are working on a revised website. Our Marketing Director, Pauline Glaza, is heading up a project to develop a new website for us that should make navigating our material and interacting with us much easier.  Expect to see our new site in early 2025!



2023 – a Year of Magnitude and Direction

2023 marked year 15 for Endurica.  If I had to pick one word to describe the past year, that word would be “vector”.  Because magnitude and direction.  😊

We updated our core value statement this year.  The first one I ever wrote as part of Endurica’s original business plan listed 3 values: technical leadership, customer focus, and trustworthiness.  Those values served us well for many years and in many ways shaped who we have become.  But it was important this year to take stock again.  We’ve grown 8-fold since I wrote those down!  So our team spent many hours revisiting our shared values and deliberating over which will best define our culture and steer us right going forward.  In the end, we decided to keep the first 3, and we added 3 more:  embrace the grit, make an impact, and better every day.

We also completed an exercise to articulate what makes Endurica truly unique in the CAE / durability simulation space.  The 3 words we chose are… Accurate, Complete, and Scalable.

  • Accurate refers to the accurate material models that capture rubber’s many “special effects”, the accurate critical plane analysis method for analyzing multiaxial history, the accurate handling of nonlinear relationships between global input load channels and local crack experiences, and the extensive set of validation cases that have demonstrated our accuracy over the years. Nobody offers a more accurate solution for rubber durability.
  • Complete refers to our complete coverage of infinite life, safe life and damage tolerant approaches to testing and simulation. It refers to feature completeness that enables users to account for nearly any material behavior under nearly any service conditions.  Finally, it refers to the documentation, the materials database, and the examples we distribute with the software and with our webinar series.  Nobody offers a more complete solution for rubber durability.
  • Scalable refers to our capacity to apply our solutions efficiently in all circumstances. Scalability is the training we provide so that users can learn our tools quickly.  Scalability is access to powerful, ready-to-use workflows right when you need them.  Scalability is the modular approach we take to material testing and modeling so that simple problems can be solved cheaply and complex problems can be solved accurately in the same framework.  Scalability is our multi-threading that allows job execution time to be accelerated to complete impactful analysis on tough deadlines.  Nobody offers a more scalable solution for rubber durability.

2023 was not all navel-gazing and new marketing.  We also had magnitude and direction in other areas.

Top 10 Code Developments:

  1. New Endurica Architecture: After several years of development and a soft launch under the Katana project name, we finally completed our migration to the new architecture.  The new architecture provides a huge speed advantage for single thread and now for multithread execution. It uses a new input file format (.json). The json format makes it easier than ever for users to build customized and automated workflows via Python scripting.
  2. Sequence Effects: Sometimes the order of events matters to durability, and sometimes it doesn’t. We introduced Steps and Blocks to our input file, giving users complete control over the specification of multi-block, multi-step scheduling of load cases.  There is also a new output request that came out of this work: residual strength.
  3. EIE: 6 channels and support for RPC: Support for 6 channels of load input was one of our most highly requested new features.  Fast growing use of this feature led to further enhancements of the workflow (support for rpc file format, studies of map building techniques), and new recommendations on how to implement boundary conditions for specified rotation histories in explicit and implicit finite element models.
  4. Queuing: Design optimization studies need efficient management and execution of multiple jobs. Endurica’s software license manager now supports queueing for licenses. Queuing allows a submitted job to automatically wait to start until a license is available, instead of the prior behavior of exiting with a license error. Now you can submit many jobs without worrying about license availability.
  5. Haigh Diagram Improvements: We implemented an improved discretization of the Haigh diagram, and parallelized its evaluation. Now you get much nicer looking results in a fraction of the time. For details, check out our blog post on Haigh diagrams and also read about other improvements like axis limit setting and smoother contour plots.
  6. Viewer image copy: There is now a button! Its easier than ever to get your images into reports.
  7. Documentation Updates: We have been focusing on improving documentation this year. There are many new sections in the theory manual and user guide, as well as a getting started guide and more examples.  Stay tuned for many more examples coming in 2024!
  8. User Defined Planes: It is now possible to define your own set of planes for the critical plane search. One example where you might want to do this would be the situation where you would like to refine the critical plane search on a limited domain of the life sphere.
  9. New Database Materials: We added 7 new carbon black and silica filled EPDM compounds to the database. We are now up to 42 unique rubber compounds in the database.
  10. Uhyper Support: The new architecture now supports user-defined hyperelasticity. If you have a Uhyper subroutine for your finite element analysis, you can use it directly with Endurica.


Testing Hardware

We completed the acquisition and installation at ACE labs of a Coesfeld Instrumented Cut and Chip Analyser (ICCA).  The ICCA provides unmatched measurement and control of impact conditions, and provides a way to evaluate rubber compounds for their resistance to cutting and chipping.


Applications, Case Studies, Webinars

Never underestimate the students! We were blown away by the work of undergraduates at the University of Calgary with our tools and Ansys.  The students designed an airless tire, completing durability simulations using Endurica software within the scope of a senior design project. They were able to Get Durability Right on a short timeline and a student budget. Check out their multi-objective, high-performance design project here.

Analyzing what happens to tires as they take on the most celebrated testing track in the world might have been the funnest project Endurica’s engineers tackled in 2023. We presented the technical details at The Tire Society annual meeting and more in a followup webinar. An extensive Q&A session followed, and I loved the final question: “So, how long before we have a dashboard display of ‘miles to tire failure’ in our cars?”  Bring it.  We are ready!

Our Winning on Durability webinar series hit a nerve with the Metal Fatigue DOES NOT EQUAL Rubber Fatigue episodes on mean strain (the tendency of larger mean strains to significantly INCREASE the fatigue life of some rubbers!) and linear superposition (for converting applied load inputs to corresponding stress/strain responses). The great response has lead to our third installment on the differences between rubber and metal fatigue with an upcoming presentation on temperature effects.


Necessity and Invention: Getting Durability Right and Winning

Will Mars Delivering Keynote Presentation as Herzlich Medal Winner 2022

William V. Mars, Ph.D., P.E.
2022 Harold Herzlich Award Winner
Acceptance Speech
at ITEC 2022, Akron, Ohio on 15 September 2022

Three key takeaways from our founder’s acceptance speech of the tire industry’s highest award.

  1.  There is a point at which commercial simulation code outcompetes internally developed simulation code. Will talks about how this played out in the early days of finite element technology in the tire industry, and how the lessons learned apply to durability simulation today.
  2. Traditional is not the same as conservative. Will talks about the tension between the tire industry’s conservatism and the necessities that drive its progress, and how Endurica navigated its entry to the industry with its disruptive technology.
  3. The industry is going through a transition from scientific discovery and invention towards the empowerment of product developers to leverage advances in durability simulation. Will talks about the integration of testing and simulation workflows, and some of the capabilities that open new channels for gaining competitive advantage.

Check out the full talk here to enjoy some fun insights about Will’s personal journey through the years.



My SAE WCX 2022 Top Takeaway


SAE WCX | Detroit, Michigan | April 5-7, 2022

There were several papers on fatigue life prediction for elastomers at SAE WCX 2022, but the highlight for us was this one from Automotive OEM Stellantis: “Fatigue Life Prediction and Correlation for Powertrain Torque Strut Mount Elastomeric Bushing Application” by Dr. Touhid Zarrin-Ghalami, Durability Technical Specialist at FCA US LLC Fiat Chrysler Automobiles logowith coauthors C Elango, Sathish Kumar Pandi, and Roshan N. Mahadule from FCA Engineering India Pvt, Ltd.  Check out the abstract or buy the paper here…

The study shows that very accurate fatigue life prediction results are possible for elastomeric components under block cycle loading using Critical Plane Analysis.  A key feature of the analysis is the characterization and modeling of rubber’s hyperelastic properties, fatigue crack growth properties, crack precursor size, and strain crystallization behavior.  Careful measurement of these analysis ingredients led to a nearly perfect correlation of the predicted life (520 blocks) with the tested life (523 blocks, average of 4 replicate tests), and of predicted failure mode with observed failure mode.

Endurica users like Stellantis are developing a solid track record of routine and successful fatigue life prediction.  We soon expect to see the day when CAE fatigue life prediction for rubber components is regarded as obligatory, given the risk and cost avoided with “right the first time” engineering.

Congratulations to the Stellantis team on this impressive success!

 Fatigue Life (block) demonstrating the accuracy of the CAE Virtual Simulation compared to a physical test

Citation: Elango, C., Pandi, S.K., Mahadule, R.N., and Zarrin-Ghalami, T., “Fatigue Life Prediction and Correlation of Engine Mount Elastomeric Bushing using A Crack Growth Approach,” SAE Technical Paper 2022-01-0760, 2022, doi:10.4271/2022-01-0760.


Tire Society Takeaways 2021

Image of a TireThe Tire Society held its 40th annual meeting last month with the theme The Virtual Tire.  It has always been the place to see up and coming ideas, to see who is pushing into the frontiers of the field, and to renew professional connections across the industry.  Endurica was very proud to sponsor this year.

Here’s a brief recap of our favorite talks…

GM LogoGM’s Mike Anderson, Executive Director of Global Virtual Design, Development and Validation, kicked off the meeting with his keynote lecture, titled “The Move To Virtual”.  He spoke of GM’s target to achieve 100% virtual design by 2025.  Anderson explained that this doesn’t mean that physical testing will go away, but rather that GM is dead serious about getting to a “right the first time” scenario rather than a “discover and recover” mode.  “It’s a measure twice, cut once” culture, he said.  He noted that upstart competitors are sprinting ahead in areas like EVs through the use of simulation and that the speed of discovery has increased significantly in the current competitive environment.  Simulation drives learning speed, not only because of the opportunity to get engineering answers at the pre-build phase but also because it enables exploration of more of the design space and more of the performance outcomes.  He told the conference that “we need to go beyond just replicating physical tests with simulation, we need to leverage the strength of simulation to go beyond test”.  In the Q&A, Anderson was asked whether suppliers will also be expected to be virtual.  “That’s gonna be tough to play together” for rubber part suppliers that can’t engage via simulation.

There were three talks given by Endurica users at this year’s Tire Society meeting.

Maxxis Tires LogoPooya Behroozinia of Maxxis Tires spoke on “Tire Durability Prediction Using Three-Element Layered Mesh for Cord-Rubber Composites”.  Behroozinia shared a tire meshing technique for improving representation of interlaminar shearing in their tire model.  They used Endurica DT to simulate the damage accruing across all of the 6 steps in a stepped-up load durability test, and they were able to predict correctly the lower sidewall failure mode, the life (45 hours observed, 38 hours predicted), and the crack orientation.  They also had a 2nd validation case in which the loads were increased by 10% in all steps of the test.  The simulation again predicted correct failure, and the comparison of experimental life (41000 km) to simulated life (36330 km) was in good agreement.

CEAT LogoVidit Bansal of CEAT spoke on “Incremental, Critical Plane Analysis and Experimental Verification for TBR Tyre Bead Endurance Applications”.  Similar to the Maxxis paper, CEAT used Endurica DT to simulate a multi-step durability test with loads ranging from 80% to 250%.  In this paper, two different truck tire sizes were modeled and tested, a 10.00R20 and an 11.00R20.  The analysis correctly predicted the ply turnup as the critical location.  The predicted lives of the two tire sizes were predicted at 90-93% of the actual tested life in both cases.

Goodyear LogoTom Ebbott and Gobi Gobinath of Goodyear spoke on “A Model for Predicting Residual Casing Life of a Tire Following an Impact Event”.  This work demonstrated the consequences on tire damage development of a range of impact event scenarios (3 speeds, 4 impact angles, 3 different wear states) early in the life of the tire.  It used Endurica DT to accrue damage from both the impact event (computed with explicit FEA) and subsequent tire runout under steady state rolling conditions (computed with implicit FEA).  The crack growth rate curve during the impact was based upon experimental measurements of the critical tearing energy at impact rates.  When asked about experimental validation of the simulation results during the Q&A, Ebbott noted that “the modeling work stands on its own – it is based on sound physics”.

We at Endurica were delighted with the significance and innovation on display in all of these talks.  We have often been challenged to show validation for tire durability predictions, but such measurements are difficult to obtain without significant tire testing resources. So, the fact that the Maxxis and CEAT papers showed multiple direct comparisons of tire durability tests with simulations, and the fact that excellent predictions of both failure mode and tire life were achieved was a very significant moment for us and for the industry.

The Goodyear paper was significant for a different reason.  Their paper showed an application that would have been difficult or impossible to evaluate with physical testing.  They showed how getting the right physics into the model builds the trust necessary to leverage simulation to increase the speed and scope of discovery and to go beyond the limits of physical testing.  It was the perfect illustration of keynoter Mike Anderson’s point that simulation opens significant opportunities for competitive advantage and ‘right the first time’ engineering.

Click here to download a .pdf summary of this blog post: Endurica Spotlight on The Tire Society 2021 Annual Meeting The Virtual Tire



So This Happened on the Show Floor at IEC2019

Convention Floor

“I tell my suppliers to use you all the time.”  – Exact words from an engineer in charge of purchasing key components for a major automaker when he stopped by our booth at the International Elastomers Conference in Cleveland.

“Not all of them listen and there’s one I really wish would hear me. They tell me ‘there is no money for more software and testing’. But we use your software internally and we KNOW it can help them. This supplier has been working on a bushing for us for over a year and they still can’t hit our requirements.”

He went on to tell me how the supplier’s current design is not sufficiently evolved. How it is too risky. How it might compromise vehicle performance.  How he can’t take chances.  How he sure wished they would hear what he’s been saying because he really doesn’t want to pull their business and go to another source but he is running out of time. “I can’t wait much longer.”

“We could use your tools, but profits are measured in pennies. Rubber is a tough industry with low margins and high competition.”  – Exact words spoken probably 15 minutes later from an engineer with a major Tier 2 supplier. This fellow went on to lament how he just had equipment moved out of his facility to another division after losing a contract with a big customer.  “Corporate” decided the equipment would be better utilized elsewhere.  “It’s hard for us to bring in new technology unless our customers will pay for it.”

“Look at the ROI.” – Exact words from Endurica’s president as we were discussing these conversations after the show.  We give out 100 Grand bars at our booth to kick start this kind of conversation, but there is easily more than $100,000/year at stake.  Have you ever calculated your development costs? What if you had durability right the first time, every time? Here is a typical scenario – you can put in your own numbers.  This isn’t the only way to estimate the ROI.  You could also come at it like we did here, or here.

Traditional Development Process With Endurica
Compound Selection 2 months + $20,000 Same
Product Design 2 months + $20,000 3 months + $30,000
Mold and Tooling 6 months + $50,000 Same
Prototype Production 3 months + $25,000 Same
Component Testing 3 months + $25,000 Same
Fleet/Field Testing 12 months + $100,000 Same
Regulatory Compliance 1 month + $10,000 Same
Sub-total, Per Iteration Cost 12 months + $250,000 12 months + $260,000
Development iterations per project launch 2x Right the first time
Total Cost 24 months + $500,000 12 months + $260,000
Savings with Endurica,
per product launch
12 months + $240,000

 Cost of Qualifying Fatigue Performance | 100 Grand


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