Software Reseller

LEAP Australia Pty Ltd For 25+ years, LEAP has assisted thousands of companies from diverse industries to implement technology solutions to digitise their product development processes, making sure they use the best digital technologies possible to create the best physical products in their market. LEAP Australia is an Ansys Elite Channel Partner.

LEAP Australia Pty Ltd
Offices in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth and Auckland

Software Reseller
Optimec Consultants

Optimec Consultants is a dynamic consulting company focused on driving innovation through advanced Engineering Simulation. Optimec offers FEA services for a wide range of applications and industries. Being a Dassault Systems reseller for the SIMULIA brand, Endurica complements well the suite of simulation tools offered for rubber applications.

Optimec Consultants
2994 Boulevard Dagenais O, Laval
Quebec H7P 1T1, Canada


Software Reseller

E-Rubber Tech Beijing Co Ltd
E-Rubber is the authorized reseller of Endurica products and services in China.
地址:北京 海淀区 清华园 邮编:100084

Tsinghua Park, Haidian District,
Beijing, 100084 China


Company Partner

Coesfeld Materialtest
Coesfeld provides testing instruments for the polymer industry, including instruments that implement Endurica’s productive fatigue testing protocols. Endurica is the Exclusive Distributor in the Americas for Coesfeld instruments.

Coesfeld Material Test
Tronjestrße 8
44319, Dortmund, Germany


Software Reseller

dhio - center for excellence | Software Resellers
DHIO Research and Engineering Pvt Ltd., is a Bangalore (India) based Collaborative Engineering R&D and Software Sales company. DHIO supports its customers on their needs of advanced computational Simulation Service, Software, training from Nano scale to Macro scale of application. DHIO team has a pool of experts with design, engineering, life assessment [fatigue, fracture] and optimization expertise and expertise; with theoretical, analytical, testing & computational simulation background.

DHIO Center for Excellence
#28 (Old No 619/1), 2nd Floor, 36th Cross, 2nd Block, Rajajinagar
Next to Srinivasa Kalyana, Mantapa, Banglore-560010 India.


Software Reseller

Software Resellers - EnginSoft
EnginSoft is a global consulting firm in the field of Simulation-Based Engineering Science (SBES). Founded in 1984, EnginSoft has long been at the forefront of technological innovation and remains a catalyst for change in the way SBES and CAE technologies, in general, are applied to solve even the most complex industrial problems with a high degree of reliability.

Via della Stazione, 27 – fra. Mattarello
38123 Trento – Italy


Software Reseller

EC Engineering - Software Reseller
EC Engineering is one of the fastest-growing design offices in Europe and employs over 150 well-trained engineers. They participate in the design of the fastest trains in Germany, Italy, or China, as well as other vehicles, e.g. in Austria, Belgium, France, the Netherlands, Romania, and Canada. The company has the status of a Research and Development Center granted by the Minister of Economy in 2009.

EC Engineering
o . ul. Armii Krajowej 28
30-150 Kraków, Poland


Company Partner

Leartiker Polymers Technology provides material characterization services to power Endurica’s software and polymer R&D+i activity with a global approach based on a collaborative relationship model.

Berrikuntza Gunea, Xemein Hiribidea,
12, A, 48270 Markina-Xemein, Biscay, Spain


United States
Company Partners

Axel Physical Testing Services
Axel provides physical testing services, including Endurica’s Fatigue Property Mapping procedures for characterizing elastomer durability.

Axel Physical Testing Services
2255 S Industrial Hwy
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104, USA


ds SIMULIA - Company partners
Dassault Systemes provides virtual universes to imagine sustainable innovations. Under the SIMULIA brand, Dassault Systemes distributes and supports Endurica’s fe-safe/Rubber fatigue solver.

Dassault Systemes Simulia
1301 Atwood Ave, Suite 101 W,
Johnston, Rhode Island 02919, USA


Ansys Logo - Company Partner
Ansys provides engineering simulation software for solving complex design challenges.  The Endurica fatigue solvers include a direct interface to Ansys Workbench.

2600 ANSYS Drive,
Canonsburg, Pennsylvania 15317, USA


Hexagon Logo - Company Partner
MSC Software is now Hexagon and Mentat is the dedicated pre- and post-processor used to support Marc. The Endurica fatigue solvers include a direct interface to Mentat.

Hexagon/ MSC Software
250 Circuit Drive
North Kingstown, Rhode Island 02852


ACE Laboratories

ACE Laboratories provides lab testing, consulting and innovative compounding process improvements for raw material producers, compounders and fabricators around the globe. Endurica’s Intrinsic Strength Analyser is located within the ACE facility, providing North America’s only public access to this Coesfeld instrument.

ACE Laboratories
6800 N Chestnut St Suite C,
Ravenna, Ohio 44266, USA

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