Endurica EIE Software LogoEndurica EIE™ is the fast way to go from recorded test signals (up to 6 channels) to fatigue life prediction. Use EIE with either CL or DT to simulate the full experience of your part in service. 



  • Simulate durability impacts of full-length loading signals.
  • Speed up strain history generation by orders of magnitude, compared to direct FEA solution. 
  • Achieve real-time load processing speeds for digital twin applications.


  • EIE makes it easy to map nonlinear load spaces having up to 6 independent channels (channel can be load, displacement, rotation, etc.). User has full control over map discretization.
  • EIE automatically generates boundary condition commands to drive your finite element model(s) through motions required to map grid points.
  • EIE interpolates multichannel input signals in .csv format via the map to rapidly generate strain history for your finite element model. 
  • EIE offers multi-threading and binary I/O for unprecedented execution speed. 
  • EIE produces strain history ready for analysis with CL, DT, and fe-safe/Rubber. 

Technical Notes

  • Compatible FEA solvers: Abaqus, Ansys, MSC/Marc
  • OS:  Windows or Linux
  • Licensing: node-locked and network shared, lease, and perpetual
  • Multi-Threading: two (2) threads are included with a network license
    Additional threads are available to further speed job execution

See Endurica EIE in action (2 minutes)

Endurica EIE computes damage accrual to tire in real time at Nurburgring

Tire Society 2023 – September 12-13, 2023
Dr. Will Mars presenting Computing Tire Durability from Multibody Dynamics Simulation of Nurburgring Circuit Events
Video Overview  0:59


Download information on Endurica EIE by clicking on the blue highlighted text. Additional details can be found  in this side-by-side comparison of Endurica’s software solutions to help you Get Durability Right – download as .pdf by following this link: Compare Endurica Solutions

Wondering which solution will work best for your needs? Talk to our experts at 1-419-957-0543 or email info@endurica.com

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