Once a year, we ask our users to weigh in on what we can do to further improve your experiences with the Endurica fatigue solvers. The feedback helps us aim our development at bringing you winning capabilities. It is also a marker we can use to gauge progress.
Here are the survey results from 2020:
How did we do this year? Check it out:
Support for additional channels in Endurica’s Efficient Interpolation Engine (EIE). EIE makes it possible to compute strain histories and fatigue life from lengthy road load signals. To date, EIE has supported up to 3 independent load channels. But we’ve had several of our best users tell us they need 6 channels. The expanded capability was a big focus for development this year, and now it is complete and nearly ready for launch. Stay tuned for more details to come out in early 2022.
Safety Factor. The Safety Factor calculation is a feature of Endurica’s new Katana CL that launched this year. It avoids the need for full characterization of the crack growth rate law but gives you the benefits of critical plane analysis. Given only the intrinsic strength (fatigue threshold) and precursor size, it calculates the margin by which the most critical loads remain below your material’s fatigue limit. It tells you whether you may expect indefinite life (or not). Use it with the Intrinsic Strength Analyser experiment. Perfect for analysis projects where you need to demonstrate capacity for long life with limited timeline or budget.
UHYPER. Abaqus users can now define their own hyperelastic law in Endurica. The Endurica UHYPER interface matches the UHYPER Abaqus interface so that you can use the same subroutine with both codes.
Linux Support. Did you know that the Endurica solvers are available on both Windows and Linux? Our Linux users can now run the entire Endurica suite of software (CL, DT, and EIE) on their systems.
Execution Speed. The recently launched Katana solver (for CL and DT licenses) offers unprecedented speed. Our benchmarks show that on a single thread, users will cut run times by more than ½. And the Katana solver also offers multithreading. Our benchmarks showed excellent scaling behavior up to >40 parallel threads. These capabilities means that users will be able to run much larger jobs, and to complete their existing jobs with much shorter run times.
Improved hfi syntax / error checking. Another feature of the Katana solver is its adoption of the json format for the input file. The switch to the widely adopted json standard means that our solutions are now much easier to script via python or matlab and that there are file editors which automatically do the syntax / error checking.
Cosimulation Interface for Ansys. The cosimulation capability of Endurica DT updates the finite element solution so that material property evolution can be simulated. It has previously only been available to Abaqus users, but has now been developed for Ansys. It is currently being beta tested. We expect to launch this addition in Q1 2022. This means that Ansys users will very soon be able to make full use of Endurica DT’s Cyclic Softening modules and Ageing Workflow.
Materials database expansion. The next Endurica release will have an addition to the materials database: a series of six HNBRs. We are also preparing to release the database in several common unit systems, rather than the prior single unit system.
With 2021 behind us now, its time to look forward to 2022 (and beyond!). Look for the client survey and let us know how to best serve your upcoming needs.